Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

As we approach the end of the year, more and more we'll be bombarded with all sorts of reports as to what happened in the almost-past year. Managers and coaches will assess what went wrong and what went right as they look back on the previous season. Companies will issue annual reports and statements of earnings. Students, some reluctantly, receive their mid-year/semester grade reports. And churches - United Methodist ones, that is - have their annual Church Conferences.

Well, today is that day! Following the 11:00 service, we'll adjourn to Fellowship Hall where will share together in a meal. And, we'll hold our Church Conference. I hope you'll plan to stay (or return to the church if You're an 8:30 attendee) and enjoy the meal and participate in important church business. The Rev. Bill Henderson, our District Superintendent, will preach and then will lead us in the Conference.
If you have never attended a Church Conference, what a great day to start! And don't worry if you didn't bring anything for the meal. Like the loaves and fishes, there will be enough for all with some left over. Great food and great fellowship. What an awesome combination! But don't leave after the dessert is finished. Stick around for the Conference. You are a part of the church, and as a member, you have the right to vote on important church matters.

So, what will happen? Our Lay Leaders, Emily Petty and Robert Kluting, will share briefly on the state of the church from the viewpoint of the laity. I'll share a clergy viewpoint. we'll look at the proposed leadership for 2015 and vote on it. we'll look, too, at those members who by action of the Church Conference will be removed from the rolls. This is done with great reverence and prayer. And, we'll vote on the pastor's compensation, an act that must occur at the annual meeting of the church.

While we'll review the first 10 months of 2014, we'll look toward 2015 and where God might be calling us to be. That's the fun part! Who knows where the journey will take us in the next 12 months? What kind of reports will be given at the Church Conference next year? What new ministries will have been undertaken? What new faces will have joined us in this Spirit-filled journey of discipleship? Why, I'm getting excited already!

Make plans to be here for worship at both services, the fellowship meal, and the Church Conference. It's important that all be present. See you at the Conference, and see you on the road of discovery upon which God has placed us!

Grace and peace,

October 26, 2014