Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' ' Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Vision. One of the definitions Webster's uses for this word is 'the ability to perceive something not actually visible.' It's not just about physical sight. Rather, it's being able to see what's not there - but could be, much as one might look at an empty lot and 'see' the house that could be built. Vision is most important for the church, and as the proverb says, without it one might as well be dead.

But, what is vision? It's an important question, especially for the church. All too often, the church plods along with no clear sense of direction. As an old saying goes, 'If one doesn't know where they are going, any direction will do.' Oh, how true of the church this can be! Rather than operating with vision, the church might instead opt for quick-fix, what some have called 'band aid ministry.' 'Vision,' then, is more about what we think we should be doing, rather than discerning what God has called us to do.

While, of course, it is important, vision is not just about planning ministries. Rather, it's about, first, knowing one's own self ' in this case, who we are as the church, and, second, how best we prepare ourselves to do, again, what God has called us to do. And, the church can have competing 'visions.' When that happens, the church can be pulled in multiple directions accomplishing little except frustration and disappointment.

The prophet Joel wrote: 'Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old me shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions' (Joel 2:28). The dreaming and prophesying are results of God's pouring out the spirit, not the instigator. To me, that says lots of prayer is involved before the first shovel-full is turned. It's not a matter of spending a short time thinking up ministries to do. It is a long, slow and deliberate process.

Before the first time of visioning can be set, much spade work must be done. For those of us who don't have a lot of patience, the process can be maddeningly slow. I know as I've been through it at another church. It's not for the 'quick-fixers' or 'band aid' people. Nor for people looking for short term results. Why, because we're dealing with the long haul which necessitates much, much prayer throughout the process.

Now, this doesn't mean that the church is doing nothing. After all, as followers of Jesus Christ, all of us are called into active ministry. So, ongoing programs and ministries continue, and new ones instituted. All of this happens while the process is ongoing. But, the purpose of the process is to develop structure to facilitate just what Joel envisioned. It won't be easy. It won't be smooth. It won't be without obstacles and roadblocks. But the result will be God's call to this community of faith. And that is most important! See you on this exciting journey into the unknown.

Grace and peace,

August 2, 2015