Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

As hot as it's been, hard to believe that fall almost is upon us. Oh, how I long for the cooler days - and nights! Despite it marking the beginning of school, fall always has been a special time for me. Baseball equipment was put away, and we began tossing the football around. Neighborhood pick-up games were organized, and Saturdays and Sundays meant plopping down in front of the TV to watch whatever game was on. Yes, those were the days!

Today, the beginning of fall may signal a time to refocus. Summer vacations are over. The leisurely pace of summer is stored away, not to be brought out again until spring. The church experiences this, too. Often, programs are put off until fall. We seem to be in a different frame of mind, ready to receive - and do - what God has for us. Fall brings - or should bring - an intentionality. It is a time to refocus, as prayerfully we listen to discern God's will.

A favorite text of mine speaks to this intentional focus: 'When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face (my italics) to go to Jerusalem' (Luke 9:51). Knowing his fate beforehand, Jesus did not waver. He knew what lay before him. Yet, he still went! We in the church are called to experience such intentional focus. The difference is, we don't know where God is leading us. Will the path be smooth and trouble free? Maybe. Will we face obstacles? Probably.

You see, the church that chooses the safe path, the path of least resistance, so to speak, probably is not going where God is leading. At times the church wants the easy way, one that entails little effort. Maybe that's the church often wants to 'do it the way we've always done it.' Well, that might be safe, but it may not be what is needed. In the business world sometimes that's called 'pushing pencils,' i.e., lots of activity but with little results.

While I believe we are doing effective ministry, the question is, is it the ministry to which
God has called us? Or, does it generate lots of activity with little impact on the kingdom? That's a tough question, and one often we don't want to address. Maybe that's because we're content. After all, some ministries can call us into difficult circumstances, and out into the unknown. Not necessarily a pleasant place to be. But, then, Jesus didn't skip lightly to the cross. He understood that for God's will to be accomplished, he didn't have a choice.

This is an exciting journey upon which God has placed us. I pray that we'll not settle for so-so ' 'same old same old.' God calls us to be bold. God calls us to risk. And God calls us to step out in faith, knowing through the power of the Holy Spirit, God is always with us. That's a promise we can take to the bank! See you on the road.

Grace and peace,

August 30, 2015