Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

“For all the saints, who from their labors rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia, Alleluia!” - The United Methodist Hymnal, p. 711

All of us, whether we’re aware or not, have a gallery that looks over our shoulder. This gallery consists of the saints who have played a role in our life. They may be related to us, such as parents, grandparents, or others. They may be persons who have impacted our life in many ways, such as teachers, neighbors, doctors, or friends. For me, these saints include parents, grandparents, a sister, and other relatives. It includes teachers and neighbors. And it includes pastors such as John Gibbs, Tom McClung, and others.

Today we honor the memory of the saints not only in our lives, but more specific, those who have impacted us through the church. While today we remember two, so many others are brought to mind. Sometimes the saint played a very visible role in the church. Other saints always were in the background. Some may have been recognized as such, while others might not have been perceived in that manner.

I’m grateful for the saints. They have left a legacy upon which we build. They have left an indelible mark on our hearts. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Whenever we think our success, whether as an individual or as the church, is due to us, we are reminded of those who have gone before. Some are remembered through the naming of buildings, or gardens, or through memorial plaques. But again, we don’t need plaques or photos or some other tangible reminders, they are in our hearts.

For all the saints, we remember. The heroic and those who led ordinary lives. The ones who made significant contributions to life and those who went about daily living with grace and dignity. The ones known to us and those who we never met or knew. The saints of scripture and those who lived out the scripture through their lives. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses . . . let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1).

During worship we will observe a time of silence to remember all of the saints who have played a significant role in our lives. The memories of some will bring tears to our eyes. All should bring smiles to our faces and songs of joy to our hearts. Remember the saints, and thank God they were in your life. And, you, too, are a saint to others. Always keep that in mind. See you on the road.

Grace and peace,

November 1, 2015