Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

“Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing him more than yourself, or any creature. In order to do this attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, and reward you when he cometh in the clouds of heaven.”
- From John Wesley’s Select Hymns, 1761

Music always has been integral to religious worship. In whatever form it may have been found, it set the cadence and pace. It gave participants keys to understand the theology (although it may not have been viewed as such at the time) of the religion. From ancient times music has played an important role in all of life. The psalter (the book of Psalms) originally was used to augment worship, and to say something important about God and God’s relationship with humanity. There even are musical “instructions” on some of the psalms.

Today, we celebrate the gift of music to the church in the Choir Cantata. During this season each year, music, in the form of carols and other holiday songs, such as White Christmas, Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer, and so many others, bring back warm memories of Christmases past. A certain carol or song may bring back a remembered smell or sight or sound. Music moves our very being.

In the churches I’ve served over the years, this Sunday always has been special. I missed it last year, and I don’t want to miss it ever again. As John Wesley said in the quote above, here the presentation of the choir, director, organ and instrumentalist as a gift of love to God. An as we receive it, please know that God approves. Music is worship, and music is pleasing to all. I’m grateful for the music ministry of this church. Whether it’s the Praise Team at the early service, or the sanctuary choir at the second service, we are blessed!

In hearing the Cantata today, be reminded that music does play an important part in our lives. It moves us and stirs us, and calls us to a deeper place. It tells us of God’s love and grace, and challenges us into active discipleship. So, today – and every day, not only during this special season – celebrate! Celebrate God’s goodness. Celebrate the call and claim God has upon each of us. Oh, and offer your thanks to all who participate in the music ministries of the church. It’s the best gift you can give them. See you on this musical journey of discipleship.

Grace and peace,

December 13, 2015