Corner's Past

Pastor's Corner

“’But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.’” - Mark 13:32-33

Out with old, in with the new. A clean sheet of paper, unwritten upon. Everything is sparkling and new. No tarnish, no imperfections, no blemishes. About what am I speaking? Why, the new year, of course! 2016 is just around the corner, a scant four days away. We’ll turn the pages of our calendars. While the days ahead may have markings of anticipated events, meetings, or other items, the truth is, the pages might as well remain blank.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew what would transpire in the new year? If so, we could be prepared, couldn’t we? Not going to happen! Of course we can plan. We can fill in all of the square and/or lines in our calendars and date books (or insert on our iPhones and iPads!), but, how many “mark-outs” will you have? If you’re like me, a lot! Events change. Meetings are cancelled. Unexpected crises arise. And on and on and on. No, try as we might, our schedules will never be perfect.

Here’s where the text from Mark quoted above enters the picture. The disciples wanted some assurances from Jesus as to what to expect. That is, tell us when the Son will return so we can be ready. Again and again, Jesus warns us to be ready. In the story of the five wise and five foolish bridesmaids, the former were prepared and the latter weren’t. No, the five wise ones didn’t have “insider information.” Instead, they had heeded advice to insure they were prepared.

In other texts, too, Jesus warned against unpreparedness. It was that important. The warning comes our way, too. As we await the beginning of the new year, what are we doing to be prepared? Are we resting in the “safety” of our calendars and planners? Are we counting on having advance warning? And when things don’t happen the way we planned, what will be our reaction? As it was critical for the people of Jesus’ time, so it is critical for us.

The new year is an opportune time to turn over a new life, not in order to have our planners and calendars set. It is an opportune time to begin doing those things to prepare ourselves spiritually. Join a Bible study. Find a group of Christian friends to meet with regularly. Get involved in outreach projects. Work with a spiritual director. And so much more. While we cannot know the day or hour, we can be prepared! See you on the disciple’s journey of preparedness. And may 2016 be one of great joy for you and your family.

Grace and peace,

December 27, 2015